Monday 7 December 2009

When the world slips beneath my feet

When the world slips beneath my feet,
When dreams disappear
When hopes no longer matter,
When life is nothing but despair
I search for her touch
I dread that unending search.

If only I could run to her,
If only I could cry with her,
If only I could shout and be myself
If only I could shiver with tears
If only, if only...
And know she would be there
And not let go-
Know that I need only her.

She took with her the best part of me,
The loving, caring, trusting part of me,
And left me with a strong, sturdy shell-
The shell with a burnt heart within
And a smile I no longer own,
A smile that life has adorned
A smile I try to save to share with her.

Mom, you helped me love life
And now you have helped me love eternity
I yearn for my last breath...
The breath that will take me to you
And I try to live life as best as I can,
For I know you are with me
And you deserve only the best.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Sweet, Sweet Child of Mine...

Sweet, sweet child of mine-
I promise you love and laughter
but specks of ache and gloom.
I promise you dreams and rainbow
but dashes of rains and storm.

You will rock gently in soothing arms
but sometimes stray,feel cast away.
You will find your true love
but sometimes cry out loud.

You will feel invincible
but sometimes, stark invisible.
You will cherish subsistence
but sometimes curse, whole of existence.

This life is spring and summer
but sprinkled with rains and winter.
This life is pure wonder
but sometimes pitiful blunder.

You will taste tears of ecstasy
but sometimes those of woe.
So tread gently my love-
For life is not black or white
nor is it grey or blue.

It is whatever you can see,
It is whatever you can feel.
It is for you to live,
The strands are yours to weave!

This is a journey en masse
but also a quest forlorn.
Take care my child
For you are never truly alone.

For you are only a child
For now and forever.
And carry with you
Not the tempest, but the rainbow!

And come back to me dear,
As my sweet, sweet child.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

The Secret to Perfect Love!

It's not uncommon to hear someone gleam with pride when they describe their lover's or partner's undivided love for them- all the love personalized and customized just for a person- sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Most of us try consciously or subconsciously to bottle up all the love in a person's heart so that we mean the world to that someone special- so that we are the only visible thing on the Universe to them-for undivided attention and acceptance- Would our position in that heart be compromised if we give the space to accommodate anything else if not somebody else?

We fall in love with someone and the moment we realize we have owned our love- we take out all our secret and not so secret tools to sculpt them- to claim their copyright rules and start seeing the infinite number of changes required to make them perfect- to paint our perfect picture!
But at the end of all that work- we will be surprised at the startling result.

Now, let's see- whose love has been praised, admired and dreamed of the most,missed the most, since times unknown- the ultimate meaning, the towering image of divine love-no doubt- a mother's love-pure,divine,undiluted- UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!

Let's try and analyze why?- Could it be that a mother loves her child no matter what, that to her her child is always perfect as it is, that she is someone whom you can always run back to and you know that her doors will never be shut to you- because you know you can pursue your dreams and that her love will not be wavered- that it glows not like a candle, but like the sun!
Eternal and warm...

We often believe that if we let them pursue their dreams- we might lose our significance, that if they love their family and friends more-the love reserved for us may be compromised, that even the newspaper or a book can be a competition!So knowingly or unknowingly we limit their circle of love and dreams- till finally only we exist- but by then we would have extinguished the very glow we fell in love with in the first place and wonder what went wrong.

So, let's try this instead- let's try to help evolve a more loving person- someone who can still talk to their family and friends with as much love and enthusiasm as they please without apprehension, someone who can still pursue dreams- someone who wants you in his/her dreams along with the so many wonders of life. Let us not close their eyes, but open them to the joyous world- let us help them be more and more loving and compassionate and let us help them be a happier, truly luckier, compassionate person and encourage them to feel the radiance and joy flowing through their veins and let us join them in that pure joy of basking love- love flowing from every cell of their being!-There is enough love in a person for the whole Universe to rejoice...
The more you let them love, the more they can truly discover your love.

So, let's try not to cage that infinite love.
Let them free and fly along with them into that magical land,dreams soaring, hearts pounding,the wind in your lovely face !

'Let us not fall, but rise in love!'

Sunday 25 October 2009

The Illusions we are born into...

'People see only what they want to see.'

Every baby is born into a beautiful world- a world full of wonders and love.But slowly, as each day passes, a new kind of vision is slowly injected into their tiny brains till they stop seeing the world for what it is, they stop seeing angels!- they are born again-into a world of illusions.

It slowly spreads until one day your every cell is addicted to that belief...the belief of not believing.

I started to realize about this mass hypnotism, when one day I watched a documentary on the wedding rituals of a remote African tribe. The prospective bride is locked in a room 40 days prior to the big day to make transform her into a magical bride.She is not even allowed to move around and put on a strict beauty diet-now, the diet is the interesting part- at least a goat a day, gallons of milk, butter or whatever calorie they can get hold of.On the day before the wedding, the whole of the tribal women come to see the charming bride with her round figure and bouncing pot belly! And she dances to show off her beauty.

Can we imagine such a concept of beauty- but their vision is not dictated by the glamor of the red carpet or the stick figures on the silver screen. To them she depicts prosperity, she depicts warmth and radiance, she depicts beauty- can we deny them their vision?

It can be argued by health experts as not a healthy trend but is getting anorexic or taking shots of crack(cocaine) to fit into the clavicle popping, fragile, size-0 dream girl image healthy either.So just because the mass media and society makes you believe something you don't have to.You can think for yourself-don't lose that power.

In a study conducted children were picked at random from various walks of life, races and colors to select the prettiest doll from an equally diverse selection of dolls. And the shocking result was that each one of them selected a white, blond, sharp-nosed doll!Each one of them.Who makes them believe that to be cute they have into fit that picture?Were they born with that belief?
'Chubby cheeks, rosy lips
Curly hair, very fair
Eyes are blue, lovely too
Teacher's pet, is that you?'

Whom will we label 'civilized'- A half naked, illiterate,tribal who cares for his kids and kin or a sophisticated, articulate, intellectual genius who is a pedophile?

Can you imagine a charming, love struck man proposing to you, on his knees with an Aluminium ring!But a few centuries back you would have dreamed of such a ring- back then, Aluminium was the costliest metal and ornaments made of it- but an inexpensive method for the extraction from ore was discovered and whola! So, are we made to believe that diamonds are the key to a woman's heart or is it really the key?

You hold the key to your vision, you know who you are and you can see your angels if you wish to.

'You were born an original, don't die a copy.'

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Greatest of Gifts -A Kind word !

Haven't we at least sometimes wondered if we would have been able to afford a
gift as big as the affection we have for a person and sighed. But can we not let them know,
that nothing can measure up to how precious they are, how extremely unique they are !
I'm not saying that words can be used to elude responsibilities.
But sometimes, a kind word can go a long, long way...

I painfully know, how much you can miss telling someone how much you cared,
how much you adored- how much your very being was defined by that love.
If I could go back in time, rather than the costliest gift,
I would just look in the eyes and tell how much it means just
to be in that presence and how much each moment not shared
is missed- that I would give anything for a glimpse-
for a loving kiss on the cheek...

So, if you have someone that special in your life,
tell that special someone now- let them know now.
Let them be happy now.
Let them know they can never be replaced
- before it's too late.
You can dream about tomorrow or ponder about yesterday
- but all you really have is this moment...
Grasp it...
Make it count...
Make it special!

You have the greatest gift in your hands- what are you waiting for?

Bestow them,
Let them glow till eternity...
Let them bask in your love...
Let them know!

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Like a Word on a Page...

Like a word on a page ,
I wait here praying,
hoping that you find me-
to share with you my dreams,
to flow down like the stream,
to tell you all my stories,
to sing to you sweetest songs,
to smile with you forever,
shed tears with you, sweet 'heart'!

Like a word on a page -
with endless shades and endless grace.
My soul awaits you- only you
I am here for you, but only if you wish.

Come find me, feel me,
carry me in your heart.
We can see this world together and the one after-
I will always stay for you , beloved...

Like a word on a page...

I have waited for you,
since the day I was born
and will wait for you till the day I fade.
Come find me love,
take me with you!

Like a word on a page...

Sunday 11 October 2009

The Glow Called Woman...

But what is this world, without the lovely woman,
The mother, the child, the love- pure graceful woman.
But what is life without her love,
But what bliss without that doe !

Her smile can light up your world,
Her glare, dear, no colder can there be a word!
Love her and cherish her,
And she will be your angel,
She can take you places,
She can make you laugh,
She can make you dream,
She can be your mother-
Sweet, caring, doting mother.

Please don't blow out that flame,
That gentle, exquisite flame,
Can there be a greater shame,
Than to hurt that holy damsel-
The vessel that poured you life,
The light that taught you love.

If you are the sun , she is your sunshine,
If you are the rain, she is your rainbow,
If you are the song, she is your music,
If you are the light, she is your fire.

Let her do her magic,
Let her take you home,
Let her just be herself,
And feel the love divine!

What is life without that dame,
But what is heaven without her flame,
And what is hell without her flame,
Beware of that woman-
Glowing, mysterious woman!

Take care of that flame...

Wednesday 7 October 2009

7 Reasons why I'm Still Daddy's Little Girl

* Ever since my 0'th birthday, knowing that someone is waiting to wish me first.

* That even today, when I fall sick, I expect him beside my bed- worried and anxious- anytime my eyes open.

* The way he wishes and encourages me before every venture, as if it were my first kinder garden test.

* The way he still animatedly describes how he would feel when I finally become an I.A.S (Civil service) Officer !

* Because to someone, I'm one of the two most beautiful babies to have ever been born.

* When I travel ,knowing that someone is counting seconds to hear that I reached safe.

* To know that, no matter what I say or do , there is someone to whom I'm still a little girl , a little girl to be cared and loved.

A child held close to heart...

Thank You Daddy, for reminding I'm one of the Blessed !

Sunday 4 October 2009

Positive Thinking -Is It Possible-Really???

I have read a lot on positive thinking and its miracles.Yes,it does help. But personally for me it is not a one-time cure. Sometimes,things are so messed up that when you try hard to find the silver lining, you feel like you are losing your mind.

What I am saying is that if you can't figure it out then and there ,its OK. Give it sometime. Let it sink. But don't let your heart and hopes sink with it too. Know that there will be a new sunrise and let the sun set today ,and as you watch it set from a place outside you ,you can feel the calm and soothing silence and let that gentle warmth heal you.

I do not mean to imply that positive attitude is a sham-it is a wonderful way to live-what i feel is that a hundred percent energy level may not be possible everyday relax --don't strain your heart to kick- start every time. OK, let us put it this way- you are taking your morning jog and trip into a ditch unexpectedly-you take a moment to grasp the fact and when you try and get up it might hurt a bit ,and you might have to slow down a bit before you gear up again.The pain may take some time to heal, but it will heal or you have to help it heal and when you are ready, go for that jog and feel the fresh breeze stroke your cheek again...

So think positively ,

Let positive thinking help you live,don't live to think positively!

Just a random thought......

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Today, I break free!

Today, I break free!
Today,I reign free.
No longer am I veiled;
No longer will I fail.

From chains that bled my heart,
From stains that scarred my heart-
Into this desert unknown
Unending, untamed, unknown.

I am free of that curse-
That dirty, unholy curse.
From hands that were to hold me,
From hands that were to guide me.

Let the scorching Sun devour me;
Let it cleanse my soul.
Let the scorching thirst savour me;
Let it relinquish my shame.

Today 'I' shall die-
But its today that I live.
Today I shall cry
But its today that I leave-
To realms yet unseen
Realms with dreams profound!

Today, I break free
Yes, today I will break free!

To My Sweet Loyal Friend


To you my sweet loyal friend,
To you have i darling flowers send
A thousand times in my dreams -
In dreamy dreams; sweet serene.

You stole my heart in a flash
A splash of sweet tender surprise!
And held it there too long my dear
Too strong much more than it could bear.

I miss you darling each day, each year
Each word unspoken dear;
Each memory yet unshared here
Each picture we could not share-
Sweet surrender dear that we should bear
But we will not last forever here.

This love in my heart i shall forever hold,
Till the last of my breath should turn cold
And your tender voice shall always hold-
In my heart a place of dazzling gold!

Sunday 20 September 2009

My Reflection

Behold!Is it not my reflection?
But crafted with such perfection!
I see me in her eyes,
How strange,we lead different lives.

She seized me when i was three,
From then,i could'nt break free.
She tells me there's a rainbow-
when my spirits are down and low.
She makes me want to smile-
when life does'nt seem worthwhile.

My soul is merged with hers,
My life incomplete without her.
To me -she is my daughter,
My spring-its her laughter!

I love you-my darling,my angel,
My sweet little loving angel.
No words can describe ,how much i love you-
So all i can say is-I love you,I love you,I love you!

Sunday 13 September 2009

Hello World,

A new silly voice waiting to be heard.