Monday 7 December 2009

When the world slips beneath my feet

When the world slips beneath my feet,
When dreams disappear
When hopes no longer matter,
When life is nothing but despair
I search for her touch
I dread that unending search.

If only I could run to her,
If only I could cry with her,
If only I could shout and be myself
If only I could shiver with tears
If only, if only...
And know she would be there
And not let go-
Know that I need only her.

She took with her the best part of me,
The loving, caring, trusting part of me,
And left me with a strong, sturdy shell-
The shell with a burnt heart within
And a smile I no longer own,
A smile that life has adorned
A smile I try to save to share with her.

Mom, you helped me love life
And now you have helped me love eternity
I yearn for my last breath...
The breath that will take me to you
And I try to live life as best as I can,
For I know you are with me
And you deserve only the best.


shahana said...
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Manoj Sankar said...

A life that kindles has to be alive for the time it destined to be. During the course of time it has to endure hardships and blissfulness. It the innermost you has endure the pain and pleasure and the fact that no one other than you could live through. You have come and will go alone. That's all that's reality. The journey will have lots of skids and misses if you voyage into the uncharted sea. Else you will just be a safe ship on the shore

Unknown said...

Very well written poem!!!
But in real life this shouldn't be the way you should face life, I feel! A mother is the one who teaches us every good thing in our life. She is the one who moulds us to face life. We should be bold enough to go on in life!